About Our Services & Process
Events & Tickets
To purchase tickets for all Spectacle Live events, visit Etix.com or call 1-800-657-8774.
Sign up for a Spectacle Live Membership for early access, weekly member pre-sale emails, food and beverage discounts, and more! For more info contact Isabel Nichols at (617) 531-1257 x3 or inichols@spectaclelive.com.
Our Services
We recognize every venue and arts organization has different needs. Some venues may need a full-time operator to manage a building 24/7/365. Other organizations may have different needs, and are only looking to outsource a certain role or department. In that case, we can provide, for example, just marketing services or booking services, or a combination of services to support your operations.
For sponsorships, please email Colleen Pentland Lally at cpl@spectaclelive.com.
The best source of information will be on the official venue pages. You can also call the Box Office at 617-531-1257 or email boxoffice@spectaclelive.com
Promoters, Agents, & Tour Managers
We are both. We will often promote shows at-risk in our venues, but we also buy shows for clients that do not have in-house booking departments.
If you have a co-pro opportunity, please contact Andrew Holden at aholden@spectaclelive.com